Kyokushinkaï / Tusseau 4e du World Open
Le Français Antonio Tusseau a été battu en ½ finale du World Open Tournament par le futur lauréat et favori de l’épreuve, le Russe Ieromenko. Blessé, il n’a pu disputer le combat pour la 3e place. Il est le seul Français classé dans le Top 32.
Par Ludovic Mauchien
Photo : IKO
Kyokushin / Les Français non classés au 54e All Japan
Le 54e All Japan Open Karate Championship, qui s’est déroulé à Tokyo le week-end dernier (19-20 novembre) n’a pas souri aux Français engagés. Antonio Tusseau s’est incliné au 2e tour tandis que Shaïnez El Haïmour perd à son 3e combat.
Hirokazu Kanazawa passed away
According to an information relayed by The Shotokan Times, Soke Hirokazu Kanazawa died this morning, December 9, at the age of 88. 10th Dan, JKA World champion in Kumite and Kata, founder of the SKIF, Hirokazu Kanazawa was considered as one of Shotokan's greatest Sensei.
By Ludovic Mauchien
Photos : DR
Winner of the Okinawa Tournament / William Geoffray : « I've been preparing it for 5 years »
There were 160 of them, only one left : William Geoffray. In front of an assembly of a thousand Dan, the Frenchman won, in Kata, the 1st « Okinawa Karate International Tournament », the equivalent of the traditional Karate Worlds. First trained in Gensei Ryu, he was the French national team member at the WKF World Championships in Linz in 2016. Meanwhile, since 2010, he was training the Kyudokan style through the teaching of Patrick Rault. School he represented with dignity in Naha before an assembly of 9th and 10th Dan. He tells us.
By Ludovic Mauchien
Photos : thanks to Shureido
« YUISHIN », the unique heart, above all
« All phenomena of existence around us are the works of a « heart », and it is only through the heart that things are created. In other words, existence is nothing but the thing that appears « heartily ». There is nothing but a « heart ». In Japan, in Martial Arts, we often talk about « Kokoro » or « Shin », translated by heart or feeling. This is a reminder that the karateka must not forget that everything begins with feeling, that he must follow a human path, that he must learn to control his emotions. « Yuishin » symbolizes this approach.
By Patrick Rault