European Games– Day 1 / Kvesic on top again
Grand winner 2019 / All the best(s)
Grand winner 2019 / Steven Da Costa “best of the best”
Jeux Européens – Jour 1 / Kvesic à nouveau au top
JO 2021 – Tokyo2020 reporté. Les champions réagissent - Episode 3
Karate 1 Istanbul / 1ère escale pour Tokyo
Karate1Salzburg 2020 / Aktas is back, Asgari is ahead
Montreal 2019 / Assadilov and Aktas a golden couple !
Montréal 2019 / Assadilov et Aktas, un duo en or !
OG 2021 – Tokyo2020 postponed. Champions reactions - Episode 2
Olympic standing / It’s OK for Ozcelik and Asgari
Portrait + ITV video / Ugur Aktas, his job ? To be the Number 1 !
Portrait + ITV vidéo / Ugur Aktas, profession : Numéro 1 !
SeriesA Santiago / Gomyo “is happy”(1), Horuna and Lotfy too
SeriesA Santiago / Jacquet ouvre son compteur
Shanghai 2019 - Day 2 / China hits 3 strikes !
Tokyo 2020 / Assadilov and Aktas smell Tokyo
Video - Open Paris Karate / Kiyuna and Aktas, the Number 1
Vidéo – Open Paris Karate / Kiyuna et Aktas, les Number 1